© CC-BY-ND | Simon Ricklin

Trotti-Bike from Belalp to Blatten

  • start: Belalp, mountain station cable car
  • destination: Blatten bei Naters

The slopes where you go sledging or skiing in winter can be raced down on a Trotti-Bike in the summer months - a thrilling experience for the whole family. The Trotti-Bikes can be rented at the mountain station of the cable car on the Belalp. 

Then you are ready to go! First, the gravel road takes you through settlements on Belalp and Alpe Bäll and through the mystical Täätschwald forest. From the Täätschen, the road is asphalted and leads down to Blatten in numerous turns. 

The approximately 7-kilometre descent from Belalp to Blatten makes your pulse beat faster and the wind blows hard around your ears. 

Children between the ages of 7 and 15 must be accompanied by an adult!

The Trotti-Bikes can be rented in summer until 17:00 at the latest (last ascent 16:50), in late summer until 16:00.

Rental price incl. helmet is CHF 10.00 per ride (90 min.).

Best Season

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